Saturday, March 8, 2008


One of things that I used to love to eat is cake. A really good cake from a bakery, not from a supermarket, is something I would enjoy during family birthdays and even my own. My favorite cake is chocolate cake with a chocolate fudge icing. Having been a vegan and now trying to be a vegan once again I was very disappointed in myself for recently succumbing to temptation. It was at my sister-in-law's birthday celebration just yesterday when it happened. There is a baker in the town of Bethel Park called Bethel Bakery--not very original. But in my opinion they bake the best cakes around. So it was yesterday when we celebrated that I was presented with a dilemma. Should I eat cake or should I not. Convincing myself that I could cheat because I am only at the beginning of my enlightened path, I decided to have a slice--a rather large slice. Of course, as with many things, this got me thinking. I tend to buy books, all sorts of books, and because I am on the path to veganism I've been buying a lot of vegan cookbooks, and one in particular, The Joy of Vegan Baking by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, was a very good purchase. Now, I did buy the book before I cheated, but now that I have cheated and admitted it, I am going to begin reading this book and trying my hand at baking, something I've yet to master.

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