One of the things that I really like about Indian food is the immense variety of flavors. When making some dishes, a key ingredient is garam masala, or hot spice, where hot refers to high temperature. Of course most garam masala recipes I've tried tend to have a nice spicy-hot flavor, which is why whe I cook with it I don't use as much a recipe indicates.
This garam masala recipe is one that I find easy to make and very flavorful. And while it might seem a lot of work to make what appears to be a small amount, a little goes a long way. So here is the recipe from my recipe archives. While I find recipes online and in books, I tend to play around with them and try to add my own touch to them.
Garam masala is a mix of spices whose prime ingredient is cinnamon and is used to flavor a lot of vegetable curries.
Toast all ingredients in a small skillet over medium-low heat for several minutes until mix becomes fragrant and seeds turn several shades darker, but not burnt (try doing this at first on a small amount so you get the hang of it).
Grind in spice mill or coffee grinder (note that once you mix spices in a coffee grinder once, never again use it for coffee—I have several coffee grinders, one for coffee the other for spice mixes). Store the spice mix in an air-tight container in the fridge for a month or place in freezer for up to a year.
Hey, I like your blog. Check out how I make garam masala (with piccies!) on my blog:
Btw, I have a vegetarian cookbook coming out soon, in which every recipe can be made vegan...look at my blog if you are interested.
Hi Jenni. Thank you for stopping by to take a look. In my profession as a software developer I've had the chance to make a number of friends who are from India and this is what got me into my passion for cooking vegetarian Indian food--by far my favorite. I checked out your blog and I really liked it. I look forward to reading your cookbook!
Hey, I like your blog. Check out how I make garam masala (with piccies!) on my blog:
Btw, I have a vegetarian cookbook coming out soon, in which every recipe can be made vegan...look at my blog if you are interested.
Hi Jenni. Thank you for stopping by to take a look. In my profession as a software developer I've had the chance to make a number of friends who are from India and this is what got me into my passion for cooking vegetarian Indian food--by far my favorite. I checked out your blog and I really liked it. I look forward to reading your cookbook!
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